We are dedicated to producing and promoting versatile Morgan horses as sport, show, ranching, trailriding, breeding and family pleasure horses. It is our goal to preserve some of the oldest, treasured Morgan bloodlines still being used today - carrying them into the future for many generations to come. (pictured above - the late Flying W Kit, at the Needles Eye in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, also the
1995 World Champion Morgan Trail Horse!
We are forever grateful to the Steinbachs for their creation of
Prairie Hill Morgans back in 1982. We spent many yrs. together raising, training and promoting the versatile Morgan horse in the show ring, working cattle, parades, trailrides, sleigh days, horse expos, etc.
We are honored that they included us to
continue the Prairie Hill name and all that it stands for.
Our sincere gratitude goes to the late, Alice Schwols, for providing Prairie Hill with their founding Morgan horses back in the early eighties. The Oak Acres Morgans that she raised were widely known for their easy going dispositions and versatility. Alice was long before her time with her love of her palomino mares. She truly was a pioneer breeder who gave Prairie Hill & many others their start in Morgans.
*Pictured driving her favored Morgan stallion, Honor, in the 1960'ties.
Alliant Energy Center
Alliant Energy Center
Canterbury Park
Canterbury Park
ND State Fairgrounds
ND State Fairgrounds
Oklahoma State Fairgrounds
Oklahoma State Fairgrounds
(701)797-3508 home (701)789-1048 cell email: psmotter@mlgc.com
Paul & Susan Motter Brett & Megan Kramer
PO Box 51
Cooperstown, ND 58425